This project is interested in the threshold. Investigating the physical act of entering home/office, it rethinks the entrance space defining a buffer zone between outside and inside, thus allowing a safe sanitization of clothes and hands through a double cycle of vaporized disinfectant. It is an easy-to-install and transparent light structure that combines existing technologies in an unconventional way. Thanks to the use of a temporized and colored LED light which helps the users in spending the right amount of time to get rid of viruses and bacterias, the process is meant to be more than a simple routine. It represents a symbolic and a sensorial experience. in-SOAP is a place that becomes itself the soap.
The duration, still uncertain, and the violent intensity of the emergency influenced the way we live, and might also lead to a permanent evolution in terms of hygiene habits. in-SOAP aim is to follow that evolution also when the emergency is passed: it is an innovation designed not to be a temporary adjustment, but to support a new lifestyle by updating the spatial definition of the entrances of our homes and offices.